Etihad Wellness


Etihad have now introduced Wellness Ambassadors. The team of Wellness Ambassadors are available online, at the airport and on board to make sure guests feel comfortable and safe at every step of their journey.

They’ll share detailed information about the latest international directives and developments associated with their trip, and offer tips on how to stay safe when they travel.

On board, they’ll make sure their increased hygiene measures are being followed, and share all the information guests need while travelling on Etihad, including what to do when they reach their final destination.

Here are just a few of the steps taken as part of Etihad Wellness to make sure guests feel comfortable on their trip:

  • Introduced additional deep cleaning and sanitisation at every point of the journey

  • Made changes on board and at the airport to make sure there’s more space between our guests

  • Etihad team will wear face masks and personal protective equipment at all times

  • All of the food prepared goes through rigorous testing before we bring it on board, and we serve it in line with strict COVID-19 guidelines

  • New Wellness Kits will include a face mask, gloves and hand gel

Kerby Hasler