Incentive Travel Programs

by Suza Kvackovski, Events & Conference Manager 

Boosting Efficiency & Effectiveness for your Business

Incentive travel is a business trip experience that provides an exciting and unforgettable way for a company to reward and thank their employees for their hard work and make them feel valued and appreciated by acknowledging their success.

Getting the most from your staff, in terms of levels of performance and loyalty to your business is crucial. This will both make and save your business money.

With proven success in increasing productivity, morale and profit to businesses these trips offer a true return on investment. The attraction is your staff are creating memorable moments, strengthening connections and allowing people to engage and connect outside the office environment.

Incentive travel is about going to a new place, crossing a barrier together or even experiencing a new culture.

A study reveals that 94% of top-performing companies are strong supporters of incentive programs and consider them a competitive advantage. (source:

Here at Sanford International Travel we can tailor an itinerary to your business objectives so your delegates have an unforgettable incentive they aspire to be part off.

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Louise Brettell